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Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia)

True Lavender is the panacea of aromatherapy. Because it is used for so many different ailments, it is considered to be a pocket-sized first aid kit. Keeping a bottle of Lavender is a definite must in your home pharmacy, car or workplace. Lavender is reliable, safe, and great smelling. It’s Latin root, lavare, means “to clean” or “wash oneself”. Historically used to fight the plague and other pestilence, this strong oil is gentle enough to be used “neat” or undiluted, directly on the skin. Lavender can be used to remedy many ailments effectively and inexpensively (see Indications & Treatments).


How does Lavender work?

Applied topically, True Lavender works in the following ways:

  • Analgesic – painkiller
  • Antiseptic – prevents infection
  • Anti-inflammatory – reduces swelling, redness or inflammation
  • Vulnerary – promotes healing
  • Anti-anxiety – prevents and relieves anxiety


Indications & Treatments

** Use only organic, therapeutic grade, Lavendula angustifolia

Burns – Apply Lavender, German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and ice cubes to the affected area. Repeat 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the burn.

Sunburns – Apply Lavender to the area. Cover lightly with a high quality lotion and repeat up to 4 times per day.

Minor cuts & scrapes

  • Clean the area with warm water.
  • Apply a mixture of 4 drops of Lavender, 2 drops of Tea Tree and 2 drops of German Chamomile to cover the area.
  • Apply often until scab appears.

Pimples/Acne – Apply 1 drop Lavender per pimple/small acne area. For a more effective acne treatment, use Lavender in conjunction with German Chamomile, Tea Tree & Helichrysum italicum, serotinum.

Note: Essential oils are drying. Therefore, if skin is dry, apply lotion after using these essential oils undiluted on the skin.

Natural Deodorant – Place 1-4 drops of Lavender under each arm. You can add 1 drop of Tea tree and 1 drop of Vetiver for added antimicrobial and fixative benefits.

Menstrual Cramps – Place 4 drops Lavender, 2 drops Roman chamomile, 2 drops Anise and 2 drops Sweet marjoram into hands and rub hands together. Then rub mixture on lower abdomen and lower back. Treatment should stop cramping within 5 minutes. Repeat treatment up to 4 times per day.

Eczema – Eczema is a very difficult condition to treat. Neither Allopathic (conventional medicine) nor holistic medicine have introduced a successful cure for Eczema or Psoriasis. Topically, Lavender works to reduce redness and inflammation. These stubborn skin conditions are best treated internally, at the source. Treat internally with the following herbs as a daily liver detoxifying and blood purifying tea: Dandelion, Burdock, Yellow dock, Nettle, Calendula and Red clover.

Sore Throat & Sore Gums – Lavender is used for sore throat, sore gums, canker sores/mouth ulcers, etc. Rub 1-3 drops of lavender on sore area. Add 2 drops of tea tree if there are signs of infection.

Athlete’s Foot – Use 5 drops of Lavender on each foot, 1-2 times per day on dry feet. Add 10 drops of Lavender to the insides of tennis shoes as needed. If problem persists, make a stronger formula of 10 drops lavender, 5 drops Tea tree, 4 drops Thyme thymol, 2 drops clove. Apply 1-2 times per day on dry feet.

Mature Skin, Fine Lines – For beautiful skin, add Lavender, Neroli, Rose otto, Frankincense, Cistus, Helichrysum and Hydrosols to your daily skin care routine. Dr. Hauschka and Benedetta are both highly recommended natural skin care lines.

Prevention of Scars – Lavender is great for scar prevention. For maximum benefits, use a mixture of Lavender, Helichrysum, Rose hip seed oil, Forahah oil, Mugwort and Sage.

Earaches – Mix 5 drops Lavender, 3 drops Tea Tree, and 2 drops Thyme thymol. Then rub 2 drops behind the ear down neck and throat. This works miracles for children and adults.

Sinus Congestion – Mix the following essential oils: 4 drops Lavender, 4 drops Peppermint, 3 drops Rosemary cineol, 3 drops Lemon, 2 drops Basil.

  • Apply 2 drops of mixture on Q-tip and rub into nostrils and/or on roof of mouth.
  • Inhalation – Place 5 drops on a towel or tissue. Inhale 5 deep breaths from cloth.
  • Note: Try using a Neti Pot if you have chronic sinus congestion. It is highly recommended that you get a Neti pot and clean the sinuses daily. Also, try cutting out dairy.

Headaches – Try applying 4 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Peppermint to the back of the neck and head. If you are sensitive to oils, add them to a TBSP of lotion or carrier oil.

Insect Bites

CURE – Apply 1 drop of Lavender to each bite. Itching and/or stinging should cease immediately. Normally, you will only need one application for mosquito bites, but several for spider or other insect bites.

PREVENTION – Lavender is not used for the prevention of insect bites, but the Center for Disease Control now recognizes that Eucalyptus citriodora (lemon Eucalyptus) is as effective as products that use DEET. (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide). Oil of lemon eucalyptus [active ingredient: p-menthane 3,8-diol (PMD)], a plant-based repellent, is also registered with EPA. In two recent scientific publications, when oil of lemon eucalyptus was tested against mosquitoes found in the US it provided protection similar to repellents with low concentrations of DEET.

Make your own effective insect repellent using Eucalyptus citridora, (lemon Eucalyptus):

  • Mix 50 – 75 drops of Eucalyptus citrodora (lemon eucalyptus) into 1 ounce of vodka or vegetable glycerin. Stir well.
  • Add mixture to 4 ounces of pure water in a spray bottle.
  • Shake and spray on body/clothes/hair liberally.


How can I use Lavender? What are the applications?

To Disinfect Air & Room

  • When kids, family members or co-workers are sick, turn on the diffuser. Fill with Lavender, Lemongrass, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus radiata, and other anti-microbial oils.
  • When traveling on an airplane, subway, bus, etc. place 5 drops of Lavender, 2 drops Lemon and 2 drops Peppermint on a handkerchief and do 5 inhalations when needed.
  • Upon arrival at a hotel, sprinkle room and bed with Lavender as a great disinfectant. Also, use oils in tub or shower to encourage air purification and relaxation.

The Bath – Use 5-25 drops of essential oil of Lavender per tub of bathwater.

  • Direct Application – rub Lavender on body and immerse into bath (hydrophobic).
  • Milk Bath – add Lavender to 1 cup of full fat milk. Stir. Add to bath water.
  • Simple Method – place Lavender drops in water; agitate water.
  • Muscle Relaxant & Nervous System Tonic – add to hot bathwater with 4 cups Epsom salts for magnesium benefits. Soak for at least 20 minutes.
  • Footbath – Place 5 drops of Lavender on each foot and rub vigorously. Emerge feet into basin filled with hot water.
  • Option – switch from hot to cold water for more stimulation.
  • Note: Essential oils are hydrophobic. Therefore, anytime you want the oils to penetrate, apply on skin and then emerge in water. (Use olive oil as an antidote).

Dry Brushing for Prevention – Dry brush weekly to stimulate the immune system, slough off dead skin cells, improve circulation and keep microbes at bay.

Dry Brushing Method: Use 10 drops of Lavender, 5 drops Tea Tree & 5 drops Eucalyptus radiata for arms, legs and torso. Shower after you brush and you will feel the oils penetrating! This method has been named “live embalming.”

Also used for the following: Anxiety, Insomnia, Headaches, Nervous tension, PMS, Tachycardia, Bedsores.



If swelling, redness or irritation occurs, discontinue use. If you have sensitive skin, try 1 drop of essential oil on the inner arm and monitor effects for 24 hours. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. Use with caution while pregnant or nursing. GRAS – Generally regarded as safe.


Don’t be Fooled!! Make sure you are using True Lavender!

Most lavender essential oil on the retail market is synthetic or adulterated, and should never be used in Medical Aromatherapy. True Therapeutic grade Lavender is very difficult to find. How can you tell if it is the real thing? The most reliable way to identify a true essential oil is to choose one that has been grown organically and certified. This means that the certification agency has visited the farm and the distillery to ensure that the oil is true and organic. Also, be sure to identify what genus and species of plant the essential oil is.

Here are some hints in identifying True Lavender oil: 

There are three different types of Lavender used in Aromatherapy: Lavendula angustifolia, Lavendula spica (spike lavender), and Lavendin. Lavendin is not recommended for medical aromatherapy.

There are a few names used for True Lavender. Lavendula is always the genus. However, identifying the species can be a bit tricky. There are three synonyms used for the species: vera, officinalis, and angustifolia.

What do they mean? Vera is Latin for true Officinalis was used to indicate the “official medicines” listed in the historic pharmacopeias. Angustifolia is the botanical name.