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The Meaning of “Veriditas”

Veriditas is the simple marriage of two Latin words: Green and Truth.

Coined by the 12th century abbess, Hildegard Von Bingen, the word “Veriditas” describes nature’s divine healing power, transferred from plants to humans. Hildegard created the word “Veriditas” (pronounced: ver id ee tas) to mark the moment that God heals one thru a living plant – or the “greening” power of the God’s healing plant medicine. So, the moment a plant enters you and heals you is the moment of Veriditas!

You can experience Veriditas daily by the healing power of the organic foods and herbs we eat. Veriditas, we believe, is God’s way of reminding us of our eternal interconnectedness with nature.

Our Philosophy

We believe that by combining nature’s vitality with time-tested practices and modern discernment, a model for self-care evolves.

We encourage you to discover and experience the living green of Veriditas.

Hildegard of Bingen

“In the beginning all creatures were green and vital. They flourished amidst flowers.” So writes Hildegard of Bingen in her praise of the greening power, the Veriditas of God. Hildegard’s unique vision and cosmology celebrated the Living Light of God in creation. She was a prolific writer and theologian with practical knowledge of the healing properties of plants. A talented musician, she was also gifted with discernment powers and was an able leader in her monastery. She was sought out for her wise counsel, a woman whose inner authority led her to speak out against abuses in the church and in monasteries of her time.

To explore Hildegard’s herbalism and music, we recommend:

Hildegard of Bingen’s Medicine, Folk Wisdom Series
Dr. Wighard StrehlowGottfried Hertzka M.D.

Vision: The Music of Hildegard von Bingen

Trust yourself, trust your
own will; 
trust the 
in your own soul.

I am the breeze 
that nurtures 
all things green.
I encourage 
blossoms to flourish 
with ripening fruits.
I am the rain 
coming from the dew
that causes 
the grasses 
to laugh with 
the joy of life.